Scuffed Uno Online

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Welcome to Scuffed Uno! Where you can play UNO® online with friends for free!

The home of UNO Online!

Screenshot of Scuffed Uno gameplay

What is Scuffed Uno?

Scuffed Uno is a free online multiplayer card game like UNO that you can play online with your friends for free! It is most similar to Uno, Crazy Eights, Mau Mau and Last Card.

You can play against AI opponents / bots in singleplayer mode or invite your friends to a free online room in multiplayer mode and see who comes out on top! There are also various popular custom "House" rules that you can enable to customize the game to how you and your friends like to play.

The custom rules are:

  • Stacking - Allow stacking of +2s and +4s!
  • Force Play - Players must always play the card they draw if it is playable!
  • Draw To Play - When drawing from the deck you must draw until you find a playable card!
  • Jump In - Jump straight to your turn if you have a card that matches the top card!
  • 7-0 - Playing a 7 or 0 now swaps hands with other players!

How to Play

Each player starts with 7 cards randomly drawn from the deck. A final card is placed face up at the top of the discard pile. Each player takes turn playing one card from their hand, if a player does not have a playable card they must draw from the deck.

The first person to get rid of all their cards wins! But make sure to shout Scuffed Uno (click the Scuffed Uno button) before you play your second to last card otherwise you'll be forced to draw 2 cards!

The game is played with a standard deck of 108 cards, consisting of 4 colors (red, blue, green, yellow), each color has 25 cards, 1 zero card, 2 each of 1-9 cards and 2 each of the action cards (skip, reverse, +2). There are also 4 wild cards and 4 wild +4 cards.

For more rules or tips and tricks you can check out the rules page!



Oct 25 2024

Hey Guys! Thank you so much for all the support on the last update! Sorry for the lack of updates in the last month I've been super busy with school but I'll get on them as soon as I can. Also stay tuned for a new game potentially coming soon...

Anyway we've reached 8,000,000 total plays on Scuffed Uno which is an absolutely amazing achievement, thank you all for helping us reach this milestone. Your support and plays means so much to me :)

We've also just crossed 15,000 registered users this week which is absolutely insane, when I originally released the accounts I was hoping for 1,000 in 3 months and we crossed 15,000 in only 2.

As always I love hearing your feedback and if you have any for me please fill out the Contact Form

Big things coming soon

New Team Game Mode and Profile Backgrounds!

Sep 25 2024

Hey Guys! Thank you so much for all the support on the new accounts, it's been amazing to see how much you guys are enjoying the game and the new features. And as a side not we've reached 7000 registered users!! This is nothing like I could have ever imagined so thank you so much

In this new update there's tons of bug fixes as well as a brand new team game mode allowing you to team up with your friends in either duos or trios to find who the best uno team is!

There's also the new profile backgrounds which you can purchase in the shop and plaster all over the site! These awesome new backgrounds will show up on your profile, in the lobby, on the leaderboard and more!

Thank you and stay tuned for even more content to come!



Create an account to add and chat with friends, customize your profile, view your stats, unlock achievements, play daily challenges, buy items from the shop and more!